The smells, the awful smells, some just have me gagging..I can't stand the overuse of perfumes and deodorants, my inhaler is permanently down my bra, just in case asthma takes over. Sometimes the air is so thick with teen smell eraser that my nostrils flare and burn, my throat itches and my eyes water, I suppose that's why the 'impulse' is kind of banned and replaced with more expensive pleasant memory elixirs, that don't choke you on impact, bring you to your knees.
She asks me "Mum , do I smell nice?"
reply " umm *cough*, splutter*, wheeze*..sure love, its really suits you"
2 years ago perfume was a dirty word for her, any kind of deodorant stick dried up in the cupboard and the thought of making yourself smell nice was just not the fashion.
How fast they grow, I once used to brush her hair, lay her clothes out and clean her room, now she spends a zillion hours in the bathroom straightening her already straightened hair over and over and over. Even the nits get burnt beyond belief, so no need for treatment there.
Her clothes tend to lay themselves out all over the floor, the bathroom, the laundry and sometimes the front door ( I have found several white socks festering underneath a mound of shoes, only to be asked once again whether I've seen any socks for school).
Umm ...teenager, they are where you left them.......the washing machine literally screams at her clothes when they eventually crawl inside..I'm surprised the machine is not suffering asthma and allergies as well. Pass the Ventolin!!.
Cleaning her room is torture, therefore I gave up over a year ago in the hopes she would take responsibility for all the rotten fruit left in her school bag, on the floor, the lolly wrappers, chip packets that have been bought with school lunch money, we have an ant problem teenager!!, sleep in peril if you must but don't complain about those bites all over your body because you are sleeping on corn chips!!....
Gag factor does not even come close, eventually amidst all the rubbish and dirty washing, love notes and screwed up school work, the teens rallies and 'starts' cleaning, I say start because cleaning the bedroom can take anywhere from 3 hours to 3 weeks.
I draw the line at bananas being taken to school because they never get eaten, just left behind to have a mould party all on their own, school work has been submitted with a distinct green or grey tinge at times.
Thankfully now, with her social circle expanding and her desire to make a good impression, the room doesn't fare too bad. Sure, there are lots of chips out of the walls and blue tac everywhere, clothes are still an issue but the rotten fruit smell has at least stopped..sometimes there is a whiff of displeasure but all in all, she has made improvements.
It beats taking her door off and replacing it with a baby gate when her room is beyond hell.
Its joyful watching her become a young woman, I enjoy her company immensely and its oh so nicer to walk into to her room rather than use the digger to put her clean washing in.
For what its worth, teenagers wouldn't be teenagers unless they pissed you off a little and still needed their parents at the same time .xoxox
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